Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Some Worrisome Mommies

Last weekend, it was Parent Teachers meeting in school. Our son is in UKG now and he enjoys going to school. Of course he is a bit of the active sort and sometimes quite restless, leaving his school work untidy. Yet, we are quite happy the way he has adjusted to the new school, new friends and new teaching environment. In a nutshell, we exactly know his strengths and shortcomings and thus guessed what the teacher would say about him.   
But there were some worrisome mommies and daddies who felt that learning is everything. They were bothered about kid's handwriting, memory power, comprehension skills, and opened up a whole world of unnecessary matters. Only a few asked about child’s behaviour with peers, likes in school, energy level in class and similar stuff which really matter the growth of kid as a dutiful citizen. It seemed as if, more than the strength of their own little ones they were worried about their minor mistakes, which are quite usual for the age.

Of course, you cannot expect a 5-year old to write like a 15 year old. Neither could he comprehend matter as fast as a grown up.  We ourselves make so many mistakes in lives. How foolish is it to blame the little ones for their meagre mistakes. I really wish if the there is a parenting school for such over concerned parents. Sigh!

Having said all these, sometimes I myself lose temper on my son when he throws tantrums! Amen!

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